How long after steroid injection does trigger finger improve

When you undergo a trigger finger steroid injection, it typically comprises cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent aimed at diminishing swelling in the affected area. Additionally, a small dose of local anesthetic is included to ensure immediate comfort post-injection. Read the full blog to understand how long after a steroid injection does trigger finger improves if you plan or your doctor prescribes a steroid injection for trigger finger. 

Use of Steroid Injection

Liquid corticosteroids, when injected directly at the base of the affected finger or thumb, work remarkably well in reducing inflammation. This helps restore smooth movement of the tendon. While some individuals might experience relief within a few days, for most, significant improvements might take a few weeks to become noticeable.

How long after steroid injection does trigger finger improve

Some Research suggests that corticosteroid injections exhibit efficacy in treating trigger fingers in a significant number of cases, typically aiding 50 to 70% of individuals. However, it’s essential to note that its effectiveness can be influenced by certain underlying health conditions. Individuals grappling with diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis may find these injections to be less effective.

Another study was conducted how long after steroid injection does trigger finger improve among patients treated by six specialized orthopedic hand surgeons.

The study collected the data between June 2019 and October 2019, individuals receiving corticosteroid injections for trigger finger were invited to participate in this study. A comprehensive analysis of 452 patients provided compelling findings. At the final follow-up:

  • Pain Relief: Among the participants, 82.4% experienced complete relief from pain, 16.3% reported partial relief, and a minimal 1.2% observed no relief.
  • Triggering Symptoms: Regarding triggering symptoms, 65.9% of individuals reported complete relief, 30.4% had partial relief, and 3.5% observed no improvement.

Furthermore, the study noted that on average, patients attained complete pain relief within approximately 6.6 days post-injection. However, complete alleviation of triggering symptoms took slightly longer, averaging around 8.1 days after receiving the corticosteroid injection.

Result of Steriod Injection for Trigger Point

A known issue post-injection is a temporary increase in pain for 1-3 days, termed a pain flare. This usually doesn’t require specific treatment, but if you notice associated redness and swelling, it’s essential to seek advice. Typically, most patients experience improvement in triggering and locking of the finger within about 2 weeks after the injection. However, if the tendon nodule is notably large, the response to the injection might be less effective. Most individuals respond well to a single injection, while some may require two injections or opt for surgery if the problem persists.

Steroid injections for trigger fingers effect

For many, a corticosteroid injection can be a game-changer, bringing about a lasting improvement in the condition. Yet, there’s a chance that the problem might resurface post-treatment. In such cases, opting for a second injection could be a solution. However, it’s vital to acknowledge that the second injection may not yield the same level of effectiveness as the first one.

Risk of Trigger finger Steriod injection

Concerns about the risks associated with corticosteroid injections for trigger finger are minimal. In very rare instances, these injections might lead to slight skin thinning or color changes at the injection site. Moreover, there’s an exceedingly small risk of infection, but this occurrence is extremely rare.

Number of Injections

Generally, it’s not advisable to have more than two injections for the same finger. If two injections don’t provide relief, considering surgery might be the next step.

Frequently asked questions

What are the potential side effects of the injection?

Side effects may include temporary numbness due to the local anesthetic, possible skin thinning or discoloration if injected too close to the skin, and rarely, an infection post-injection.

What is a ‘pain flare,’ and how common is it?

A pain flare is a temporary increase in pain lasting 1-3 days after the injection, often accompanied by redness or swelling. It’s a known post-injection issue but generally doesn’t require specific treatment.

When can I expect improvement after the injection?

In most cases, improvement in triggering and locking of the finger is noticed within about 2 weeks following the injection.

What happens if the problem persists even after the injection?

If symptoms persist, further injections or considering surgery may be recommended.

Are there limitations or recommendations following the injection?

After the injection, you’re generally free to move the finger as pain allows without specific restrictions.

How many injections are typically advised for a single finger?

It’s generally recommended not to have more than two injections for the same finger. If two injections don’t provide relief, surgery might be considered as an alternative.








  • Dr Khadija

    DPT | MS Pain Management | Intra-articular Injec Specialist | Acupuncturist | Cupping Therapist | Oncology Pain Specialist | Certified Chiropractor 🇬🇧 | Medical Writer | Author