Benefits of Acupuncture For Trigger Finger
Living with the discomfort of trigger finger can be challenging, but recent research exploring acupuncture’s potential as a solution presents intriguing possibilities. In the realm of Chinese medicine, tenosynovitis of the flexor digitorum muscle corresponds to sinew blockage caused by muscle meridian injury. Such injury obstructs the flow of Qi and Blood, affecting the muscle and tendon channels. These muscle meridians, akin to the principal meridians (PMs), play a pivotal role in influencing musculature and tendons. Unlike PMs, muscle meridians have specific traits: Qi flow is centripetal, moving from the periphery to the center, and they lack connections to internal organs. The convergence points of these meridians are vital for their therapeutic applications. Acupuncture for trigger finger follow this approach and alleviate the trigger finger condition.
Trigger Finger Acupuncture Approach
The trigger finger acupuncture protocol involves stimulating specific acupuncture points to restore Qi flow in the affected muscle channels. Points like the Tingwell, Tonification, and Meeting points are reinforced based on the implicated meridian. For instance, for trigger finger in the index finger (related to the Large Intestine channel), points like LI 1 (Tingwell), LI 11 (Tonification), and GB 13 (Meeting) are stimulated bilaterally. Asymmetrical stimulation, focusing on the lesion side, enhances the treatment’s dynamic effect.
The AhShi points (tender points) are reduced using multiple needles inserted in various directions. Treatments are administered daily or every other day, with 10-15 sessions constituting a course. Electronic stimulation via devices like Pointer Excel 2 can render the treatment painless, often yielding positive outcomes. In resistant cases, additional acupuncture focuses on expelling Wind and Dampness, stimulating Blood and Qi flow in the fingers, and targeting influential muscle points.
Benefits of Acupuncture for trigger finger
Several cases have reported successful outcomes using various acupuncture for trigger finger treatment. These include improvements in pain and snapping severity following acupuncture sessions. Instances of bee venom acupuncture, pharmacopuncture with Hominis placenta, tendinomuscular meridian acupuncture, moxibustion, and osteopathic manipulation in diabetic patients have showcased positive results.
The appeal of acupuncture lies in its non-invasive nature. It targets pain and snapping severity, potentially reducing reliance on invasive procedures or medications. Patients experiencing over 50% improvement in pain and snapping severity had shorter disorder durations, hinting at early intervention benefits.
Risk Factors to Acupuncture for Trigger Finger
Acupuncture, while generally safe, isn’t devoid of risk factors. Some individuals might experience temporary soreness or bruising at the needle insertion sites. Furthermore, proper sterilization and the expertise of the practitioner are crucial to minimize infection risks. It’s essential to discuss personal medical history and potential allergies with the acupuncturist beforehand.
Potential Complications of acupuncture
While severe complications are rare, it’s essential to be aware of possible adverse effects. In rare instances, people might encounter nerve damage or bleeding at the insertion points. However, under the care of a skilled practitioner, the risk of such complications remains low.
Summing Up
Acupuncture at the A1 pulley site emerges as a potential solution for managing trigger finger discomfort. Its ability to target pain during snapping and snapping severity without invasive procedures highlights its appeal for individuals seeking alternative treatments.
In conclusion, while acupuncture showcases promise for alleviating trigger finger symptoms, understanding its potential risks and complications alongside its benefits is crucial.
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