Dermal Fillers Types and Benefits for Sagging Skin 

Our passionate content writer Arslan a biotechnologist, and microbiology researcher, shares his knowledge about advance aesthetic techniques of dema filler Let’s read along

Dermal fillers are cosmetic fillers made of materials injected beneath the skin to add volume, modify facial contours, correct wrinkles, and reduce scars. The procedure has minimum downtime and impressive results. Dermal filler surgery has many types and is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery. The top dermatologist decides the best suitable type based on your skin type, the procedure site, and many other factors. 

Benefits of Dermal Fillers

Collagen is an essential component in the skin to provide elasticity. Aging reduces collagen production and results in skin sagging and decreased elasticity. Dermal fillers enhance facial symmetry due to collagen induction and provide the following benefits;

  • Add volume to the sagging skin: Dermal fillers can effectively lift and rejuvenate the skin, counteracting sagging caused by the natural aging process or weight loss.
  • Restores lost skin elasticity: By replenishing collagen, dermal fillers restore elasticity, making the skin feel firmer and appear more youthful.
  • Eliminates wrinkles: Dermal fillers smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, providing a fresh, revitalized appearance and a noticeable reduction in the signs of aging.
  • Augment lips and cheeks: Fillers enhance facial proportions by adding volume to lips and cheeks, achieving a balanced and fuller look.
  • Restores facial fullness: By adding structure and volume, fillers help regain the facial fullness lost due to aging or certain medical conditions.
  • Reduce scars: Dermal fillers can fill in scar depressions, smoothing the skin surface and reducing the visibility of acne or surgical scars.
  • Diminish the signs of aging: In addition to reducing wrinkles, fillers can counter other signs of aging, like volume loss and skin laxity, promoting a youthful, revitalized appearance.

Types of Dermal Fillers

Depending on the material used to make the dermal fillers, it has the following types;

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Often used to plump lips and smooth wrinkles, they are the most popular due to their effectiveness and compatibility with the body. Brands include Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers: This type, found in products like Radiesse, is used to restore volume, particularly in the cheeks and facial contours. They’re more durable and can last longer than hyaluronic acid fillers.

Poly-L-lactic Acid Fillers: These fillers are also known as Sculptra. They stimulate the body’s collagen production, gradually restoring volume and offering a natural, long-lasting effect.

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Fillers: Bellafill is an example of this filler type. It includes microspheres that stay beneath the skin permanently to support its structure, making it suitable for deep wrinkles and scars.

Autologous Fat Injections (Fat Grafting): Fat is taken from one area of the body and injected into the face, offering a more natural solution for restoring volume.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): Vampire facelift or PR is a technique that uses the patient’s blood plasma to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the skin.

Each type of filler has unique properties and benefits, allowing them to target specific concerns and areas of the face. Always consult a trained professional to determine which type would most benefit your needs.

Procedure for Dermal Fillers Surgery

Dermal fillers is a cosmetic surgery before which the surgeon takes the patient’s medical history to identify all the diseases and medicines that can interfere with the treatment.

Inform the doctor of all the known allergies you have and previous skin treatments that you had. The steps involved in dermal fillers surgery are;

  • The skin is cleaned, and any makeup or cosmetic product is removed.
  • Topical anesthesia is applied to numb the skin to avoid pain and discomfort during the procedure.
  • The chosen dermal filler is injected using small needles in the skin.
  • The skin is cleaned, and ice packs are applied to relieve inflammation and pain.

You may experience mild pain and swelling for a few days after the procedure but is subsidies on its own after a few days

Recovery after Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have minimal side effects, and the patient can return to normal activities immediately after the procedure. The recovery time can vary in different patients depending on their health condition, immune system functioning, and the type of dermal fillers to be used. The results of dermal fillers last from six months to a year.


dermal fillers have emerged as a highly effective and popular solution in the field of cosmetic surgery, offering numerous benefits to individuals seeking facial rejuvenation. These minimally invasive procedures involve injecting materials beneath the skin to address a variety of concerns, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, lost elasticity, and scars. The versatility of dermal fillers lies in their ability to enhance facial symmetry and restore volume, resulting in a more youthful and revitalized appearance.


  • Dr Khadija

    DPT | MS Pain Management | Intra-articular Injec Specialist | Acupuncturist | Cupping Therapist | Oncology Pain Specialist | Certified Chiropractor 🇬🇧 | Medical Writer | Author