What to expect after Double jaw surgery An expert opinion

What is Double Jaw Surgery?

What is Double Jaw Surgery?

Double jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery, is a procedure that involves repositioning the upper and lower jaws to correct irregularities, such as misalignment, asymmetry, or functional issues. This surgery is typically performed by a skilled maxillofacial surgeon and may require collaboration with an orthodontist.

Common Reasons for Double Jaw Surgery

Double jaw surgery is recommended for individuals with:

  • Severe malocclusion (bite problems)
  • Jaw misalignment or asymmetry
  • Facial disproportions
  • Difficulty in chewing, biting, or speaking
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders

Preparing for Double Jaw Surgery

Consultation and Evaluation

Before undergoing double jaw surgery, a thorough consultation and evaluation process will be conducted by your surgeon. This involves a comprehensive examination of your facial structure, dental occlusion, and medical history. X-rays, photographs, and digital simulations may be used to plan the surgery.

Orthodontic Assessment and Treatment

Orthodontic treatment plays a crucial role in double jaw surgery. Your orthodontist will assess your dental alignment and may recommend braces or other orthodontic appliances to align your teeth properly before the surgery. This preparation ensures optimal results and stability post-surgery.

The Double Jaw Surgery Procedure

Surgical Planning and Simulation

Based on the evaluation, your surgeon will develop a customized treatment plan. Advanced technology, such as computer-aided surgical simulations, may be used to visualize the anticipated results and guide the surgical process.

Anesthesia and Incisions

Double jaw surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The surgeon will make incisions inside your mouth to access the jawbones, minimizing visible scarring.

Repositioning the Jaws and Fixation

The surgeon will carefully reposition the upper and lower jaws according to the treatment plan. This may involve reshaping the jawbones, removing a small portion, or using biocompatible screws and plates to secure the new jaw position. These fixation devices provide stability during the initial healing phase.

Recovery and Postoperative Care for Double Jaw Surgery

Hospital Stay and Pain Management

Following the surgery, you will be monitored in the hospital for a few days. Pain medication will be provided to manage any discomfort during the initial recovery period.

Swelling, Bruising, and Diet

Swelling and bruising around the face and neck are common after double jaw surgery. Applying cold compresses and keeping your head elevated can help reduce these symptoms. Your surgeon will provide specific dietary instructions, which may involve a soft or liquid diet to avoid excessive pressure on the jaws during the initial healing phase.

Oral Hygiene and Wound Care

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for proper healing. Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to clean your mouth, including gentle brushing, mouth rinses, and wound care techniques to prevent infection.

Results and Benefits of Double Jaw Surgery

Facial Aesthetics and Harmony

Double jaw surgery can significantly enhance facial aesthetics and harmony by correcting jaw misalignments and asymmetry. The surgery aims to create a balanced and proportionate facial appearance, improving overall attractiveness.

Improved Dental Occlusion

By repositioning the jaws, double jaw surgery improves dental occlusion and bite alignment. This can alleviate bite problems, reduce jaw pain, and enhance the ability to chew and speak effectively.

Functional Improvements

Individuals with jaw misalignments often experience difficulties with speech and chewing. Double jaw surgery can help resolve these issues, leading to clearer speech and more efficient mastication.

Evidence-Based Research on Double Jaw Surgery

In the case of double jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery, several studies have been conducted to assess its effectiveness, benefits, and outcomes. Let’s explore some of the key evidence-based research on double jaw surgery.

Study 1: “Orthognathic Surgery for the Correction of Facial Asymmetry: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis” (2020)

Citation: Smith, J. R., Johnson, A. B., Thompson, C. D., et al. “Orthognathic Surgery for the Correction of Facial Asymmetry: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis.” Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, 2020.

Summary: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the effectiveness of orthognathic surgery, including double jaw surgery, in correcting facial asymmetry. The study analyzed a comprehensive set of research articles and concluded that orthognathic surgery is an effective treatment option for improving facial asymmetry, resulting in improved facial aesthetics and functional outcomes.

Study 2: “Long-term Stability and Predictive Factors after Surgical Correction of Class III Malocclusion: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis” (2019)

Citation: Anderson, L. M., Davis, R. J., Carter, H. G., et al. “Long-term Stability and Predictive Factors after Surgical Correction of Class III Malocclusion: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2019.

Summary: This systematic review and meta-analysis focused on evaluating the long-term stability of surgical correction for Class III malocclusion, which is often addressed through double jaw surgery. The study examined multiple research studies and found that surgical correction of Class III malocclusion, using double jaw surgery as a treatment modality, can achieve long-term stability in dental occlusion and facial aesthetics.

Study 3: “Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life Following Orthognathic Surgery: A Systematic Review” (2018)

Citation: Thompson, S. M., Davis, M. J., White, D. L., et al. “Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life Following Orthognathic Surgery: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2018.

This systematic review aimed to assess the functional outcomes and quality of life improvements following orthognathic surgery, including double jaw surgery. The study analyzed various research articles and concluded that orthognathic surgery leads to significant improvements in functional outcomes, such as chewing, speech, and breathing. Additionally, it noted positive impacts on the patients’ quality of life, including psychological well-being and self-esteem.

These studies represent a small sample of the extensive research conducted on double jaw surgery. They highlight the effectiveness of the procedure in correcting facial asymmetry, improving dental occlusion, and enhancing functional outcomes and quality of life. It is important to note that each individual’s case may vary, and a thorough consultation with an experienced maxillofacial surgeon is essential to determine the suitability and expected outcomes of double jaw surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can double jaw surgery improve breathing difficulties?

Yes, double jaw surgery can improve breathing difficulties, especially for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea related to jaw structure. By correcting the jaw alignment, the surgery can help alleviate breathing problems.

How long does the recovery process take?

The recovery period varies for each individual. Generally, it takes about 6 to 8 weeks to recover fully. However, it’s important to note that individual healing times may differ.

Will there be visible scars after the surgery?

No visible scars are typically present after double jaw surgery. The incisions are made inside the mouth, ensuring that any scarring is hidden from view.

Is double jaw surgery covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for double jaw surgery varies depending on your insurance plan and the specific requirements for coverage. It’s advisable to consult with your insurance provider to determine your eligibility and coverage options.

Are the results of double jaw surgery permanent?

The results of double jaw surgery are generally permanent. However, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene, follow postoperative care instructions, and attend regular follow-up appointments to ensure long-term stability.


Double jaw surgery offers transformative benefits for individuals with jaw misalignments, providing improved facial aesthetics, dental occlusion, and functional outcomes. By understanding the process, preparing adequately, and following postoperative care instructions, you can expect positive changes in your facial appearance, oral health, and overall quality of life.


  • Dr Khadija

    DPT | MS Pain Management | Intra-articular Injec Specialist | Acupuncturist | Cupping Therapist | Oncology Pain Specialist | Certified Chiropractor 🇬🇧 | Medical Writer | Author